don't be a little boss...

Tired of CRM Hassles?

Simply SPEAK notes into the air and

your CRM is magically updated.

  • Create or Update Contacts

  • Set Appointments or Reminders

  • Upload Files or Photos

no credit card required.

Keep Your Current CRM!

Utilize MyCRMAssistant with your current solution

"Can't get your team to utilize your CRM? Not utilizing your CRM to its full potential?"

Here's how it all works...

Share a Voice Note

Additionally you can share text, files, photos or screenshots.

A.I. Analyzes Your Note

Put the power of AI to work for you,it's like having ChatGPT on your phone.

Live Assistant Updates CRM

Humans ensure that your updates are accurate and remove AI frustrations.

We've worked with multiple CRMs for a long time and have helped many contractors organize, structure, and manage their systems.

"This is the best solution ever, CRM adoption goes to 100% overnight!"

no credit card required.

Getting Started is EASY!



Once you subscribe our team will set everything up for you.



We'll help each of your team get setup and train them on the process.



Start sharing updates, tasks, files, photos, appointments, reminders and more.

Get the power of ChatGPT in the palm of your hand, speak your request and AI will respond to you using the latest technology.

"update Jon's status to sold"

"remind me to call Bill saturday"

"order a report on 123 Main Street"

"create a new contact Ed Smith, phone 888.234.2322"

"add apples to my shopping list"

"give me a recipe for banana bread"

and more...

no credit card required.

A Few Benefits of Using MyCRMAssistant

  • Save time and quickly handoff hours of data entry.

  • Improve data integrity and accuracy.

  • Maximize the potential of your CRM software subscriptions.

  • Organize your business data in a streamlined way.

  • Get accurate reporting and insights from your data.

  • Have an accountability partner to help you manage your data.

  • No need to spend time training staff on CRM data entry.

  • No need to download and set up additional apps.

  • Sales reps can keep up with notes and updates on the go.

  • Staff can focus on other important tasks.

  • Have an accountability partner.

  • Get non-user data entry (e.g., from invoices, emails, and other sources) seamlessly integrated into your CRM.

for just $399/mo. have a team of assistants help your team with your CRM management!

*based on average of 20 hours a month - typically manages a staff of 3 - additional users $99 each.

Simply Speak What You Want, In Most Any Language

Your business can't afford low CRM adoption for another minute.

  • Inaccurate reporting.

  • Gaps in communication between staff.

  • Poor sales follow-up.

  • Failing customer experiences.

  • Inefficient processes and operations.

  • Lack of utilization of CRM features.

  • No central data repository.

  • Lack of staff accountability.

  • Lost opportunities and revenues.

Hire MyCRMAssistant and start getting more from your CRM today!

Just share a voice note and a live MyCRMAssistant will do the rest!

MyCRMAssistant is a service that helps business owners and sales teams manage data entry in their CRMs. It provides a team of experienced data entry professionals to quickly handle hours of data entry tasks, allowing business owners and sales reps to focus on other important tasks. This service ensures accurate data entry, which can lead to better data integrity, maximizing software subscriptions, and accurate reporting for better decision-making. MyCRMAssistant also serves as an accountability partner, ensuring that all data entry tasks are completed on time and with high accuracy, resulting in better organization and increased revenue for the business.

Top 10 Reasons why CRM's are not utilized properly by Sales Teams

  • Complexity: Salespeople may feel that CRMs are too complex and require too much time to learn and navigate.

  • Lack of training: Without proper training, salespeople may not understand how to use the CRM effectively or efficiently.

  • Time-consuming data entry: Entering data into a CRM can be time-consuming and take away from the time spent on actual sales activities.

  • Inaccurate data: If salespeople are not diligent about entering accurate data, the CRM becomes less effective and valuable.

  • Poor user experience: If the CRM is difficult to use or has a poor user experience, salespeople may be less likely to use it.

  • Lack of mobile access: Salespeople may not be able to access the CRM on the go or from their mobile devices, making it less convenient to use.

  • Lack of integration: If the CRM does not integrate with other sales tools or systems, salespeople may not see the value in using it.

  • Limited functionality: If the CRM does not have the features or functionality that salespeople need to be effective, they may not see the value in using it.

  • Lack of leadership buy-in: If leadership is not using the CRM themselves or demonstrating the value of using it, salespeople may not see the importance of using it.

  • Poor adoption rate: If the CRM is not adopted by the majority of the sales team, salespeople may not feel the need to use it or may feel that it is not an important tool for the organization.

The simple Solution to your CRM woes?

90-100% CRM Adoption when MyCRMAssistant is utilized!

Professional and accurate data entry!

Round the clock service!

Bilingual Agents allow you to share your way!

Get the most from your CRM today!

Live Agents with AI data validator tools!

no credit card required.

Base Services

Consists of up to 20 hours of monthly data management and entry. This is typically ample for teams of 1-3 members.

$500 $399/mo.*

Additional Users

Have a larger staff needing even more help? No problem you can simply add users to your plan and get the most from your CRM.


CRM Configuration

During onboarding our team will help set up your CRM for data entry, however often businesses require further clean up or configuration, our team can help.


no credit card required.

Try it FREE first using the links above

ContactWho is this service for?
Your infoStart Base Services

*There is a one time onboarding expense of $110 for each account setup.

a Boss Up Solutions LLC exclusive offering.